Saturday, April 21, 2018

HABITS SPECIAL..... Bad habits can sink all your best efforts

Bad habits can sink all your best efforts

Learn how to avoid these success-sabotaging tendencies

Bad habits may not seem like a big deal on their own, but sometimes they can seriously drag you down in your life and career. In most cases, bad habits only result in relatively minor problems. So if you recognise one of these compulsions as your own, you probably have nothing to worry about. However, in more extreme cases, certain tendencies can actually thwart your dreams of success. Here are some habits of unsuccessful people:
They are always tardy
Things happen, but consistent tardiness is typically unacceptable in a professional setting. Showing up late makes you look careless, unreliable, and you may even miss an important opportunity. A study linked chronic lateness and certain personality characteristics, including anxiety, low self-control and a tendency towards thrill-seeking.

They hold grudges
It’s fine and normal to dislike and distrust certain people in your life. But holding intense grudges is just a waste of your valuable time and energy. A Hope College study found that holding a grudge can even have negative health effects. So, learn to let things go.

They conform
Conforming was a survival tactic in middle school, but you are an adult with a career now. Stop caring intently about what others think and falling in line just for the sake of getting along. Do what works for you, even if you will face hurdles. If you devote all your time to blending in, you will never stand out.

They overspend
If money is always burning a hole in your pocket, you are setting yourself up for long-term financial woes.
Saving money is crucial for your financial future. Beat this habit by learning to identify psychological triggers for overspending.

They burn bridges
In life and your career, it’s necessary to burn some bridges, if the person on the other side is toxic. However, those cases should be the exception, not the rule. As you move through different phases of your career, don’t alienate the people you come into contact with. That could seriously come back to bite you if you cross paths with them later on.

They procrastinate
After studying the daily habits of 177 self-made millionaires over the course of five years, Thomas C Corley, the author of Change Your Habits, Change Your Life found that they avoid one costly habit — procrastination.
It prevents even the most talented individuals from realising success in life. Indecisiveness could lose you time, money, and even the respect of those around you.

They lie
This one’s pretty simple. Be honest. It’s easy to fall into the trap of weaving small untruths that stretch into bigger and bigger lies. Break that habit. Yes, there are horror stories about cheats and liars who schemed their way to the top. But that doesn’t mean you should develop a dishonest streak yourself.

They don’t take care of themselves
You could have all the success in the world, but it won’t mean much for long if you don’t maintain your health. Sooner or later, those choices will catch up to you and might just derail your life.

They have bad body language
Body language makes a big difference in how people perceive us — it’s often more important than what you verbally say. That’s why bad body language habits like poor eye contact and a slumping posture are damaging. You could be sabotaging your opportunities before you even open your mouth.

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