Saturday, October 7, 2017

PERSONAL SPECIAL... Get a head start on your work day

Get a head start on your work day

Roll up your sleeves and follow these hacks to improve your productivity

With our corporate schedules comes a daily routine. You wake up at the same time every day, follow your morning routine, go to work, wrap up meetings, complete important tasks, run errands and hit the bed. A pattern seeps in naturally. But every single day when work ends, there are chances that you may not be satisfied with what you have accomplished. Here's how intelligent planning and focussed efforts can help you increase your productivity:

Track your time

It is always advisable to make the most of the time you have at hand. You may be allotting extra time to tasks that could be accomplished in a shorter span. Research suggests that only 17 per cent people are accurately able to estimate the passage of time. It's easy to waste time shuffling through dozens of emails or over the phone. Giving yourself a deadline and adhere to it. This will help you utilise your time better.

Learn to say no

For some people saying no is hard, but if you really want to elevate your productivity levels, then you must learn how to refuse to do things that may eat into your valuable time. Don't do things just to please others. When you take on too much, all your work suffers. You may end up missing deadlines you've set for yourself. Sometimes you just have to say no, and understand that there's nothing wrong with that.

Make the most of your commute

 Depending on your mode of commute, you can utilise a lot of time while travelling to and fro from work. You can schedule calls, answer emails or catch up on news. You can also plan your day ahead while you are stuck in traffic or make a to-do list. You can also spend some leisure time and read a book or watch a movie you have been longing to.

Follow the twominute rule

If you have a task or an action that can be completed in two minutes or less, it is advisable to do it immediately. Whether that means responding to an email or confirming a doctor's appointment, get those small tasks done with, rather than let them collect and snowball into too many tasks.

Avoid multi-tasking

Psychologists have found attempting to do several tasks at once can result in lost time and productivity. Instead, make a habit of committing to a single task before moving on to your next project.

Take intermittent breaks

Taking scheduled breaks can actually help improve concentration. A small walk in the park, a cup of tea or a quick chat over the phone can help you relax. Research shows that taking short breaks during long tasks can help you maintain a constant level of performance, while working at a task without breaks leads to a steady decline in performance. So, take some time off

Agencies Oct 06 2017 : The Economic Times (Mumbai)

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