Wednesday, October 19, 2016



Coca-Cola is everywhere. The iconic American brand is recognized instantly around the globe and sold in more than 200 countries. Altogether, more than 10,000 soft drinks from Coca-Cola are consumed every second of every day. You'll be familiar with brands like Diet Coke, Sprite, and Fanta - but here's some facts about Coca-Cola you might not have heard before.

Coca-Cola was invented by an Atlanta-based pharmacist John S. Pemberton in 1886. But the name was conjured up by his bookkeeper, Frank Robinson, who was also a dab hand with a pen. He created the unique flowing script that became the Coca-Cola logo that is still used today.

When Coca-Cola first launched it was marketed as a nerve tonic that "relieves exhaustion."
The very first Coca-Cola products contained cocaine — but only around 9 milligrams per glass. The drug was touted at the time as a substitute for alcohol and was said to cure opium addiction. But cocaine was removed from Coca-Cola in 1903.

Of the 57 billion servings of all kinds of beverages drunk each day (other than water), just over 3% (1.9 billion) are Coca-Cola trademarked/licensed drinks. It's the most widely-distributed product on the planet.

There are only two countries in the world where Coca-Cola is not sold: Cuba and North Korea.

Coca-Cola has a product portfolio of more than 3,500 beverages (and 500 brands), spanning from sodas to energy drinks to soy-based drinks.

 If every drop of Coke ever produced was placed in 8-ounce bottles and laid end-to-end, they would reach the moon and back more than 2,000 times. Or, put another way, one round? trip per day for five years, seven months, and 14 days.
Coke owns a whopping 20 brands that generate more than $1 billion in sales per year.

The Coca-Cola brand is worth an estimated $83.8 billion. That's more than Budweiser, Subway, Pepsi, and KFC combined.

Coca-Cola claims its name is the second-most understood word in the world, behind "OK."

Coca-Cola believes it invented the concept of the coupon. The company distributed sample coupons in late 1886 and the company believes it was the reason the drink spread from the small population of Atlanta to every state in the US by 1990. Between 1886 and 1914, one in 10 Cokes were given away for free.

Coca-Cola is also to thank for the image we have today of Santa Claus. Coke began its Christmas advertising in 1920s to drum up sales in the slow winter months. It used several images, but none proved popular until 1931 when illustrator Haddon Sundblom painted a plump, jolly Santa in a red coat. The image was based on the Clement Moore poem "A Visit from St. Nicholas" and his own Scandinavian heritage. Previous images of Santa Claus ranged from him being gaunt, to very big, and he wore all different colors including green and brown.

In 1985, Coca-Cola became the first soft drink to ever go to space. Astronauts tested the Coca-Cola Space Can aboard the Space Shuttle Challenger. Here's the can.

Coke says the "perfect" temperature to serve its drink is between 34 to 38 degrees Fahrenheit?

Source : Business Insider :  ETRETAIL 7OCT16

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