Saturday, June 18, 2016



Forced performance rankings of employees are becoming a thing of the past. Instead, top performing employers are moving towards more transparent goal setting and more regular feedback, concludes the Performance Management Report published by the Top Employers Institute. The study is based on a global HR best practices survey among 600 companies in 99 countries.

91 per cent of the companies that qualify for the top employers sta tus are now consistent ly re-aligning performance goals during the year in re sponse to changing business needs, marking a major shift away from the traditional annual review, and to wards providing ongoing feedback; Indian employees are often driven by opportunistic motives, causing them to job hop if they can get a better salary else where. A trend seen by the Top Employers Institute is a shift to more long-term and professional growth, internal career opportunities and objective measures of performance; While employers consider it important to measure performance, current processes are seen to have become too complex and over-engineered and reliant on rating scales that are perceived as not fit anymore to measure performance in today's working environment.The trend is for employers to offer coaching and development opportunities, rather than rankings; Previously, the focus for performance management

had been on the individual and individual tasks. But, as many com panies foster a more connected and team-based working culture, traditional performance measures do not reflect that anymore.
Key capabilities are now social awareness, agility and flexibility so that top per forming companies aim to assess the effectiveness of employees in the broader work environment; As a consequence, top employers are increasingly encouraging their teams to be more involved in their own performance management so they can feel in control of their own progression.Those companies have realised that an inclusive approach helps support a high performance culture, which helps accelerate the com pany's strategy; Finally, the survey high lights a weakening link be tween performance management and compensation, with only just over ten per cent of participants considering an important objective of the process being to provide a basis for salary in creases.


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