Tuesday, October 27, 2015

PERSONAL SPECIAL....How Big is Your Dream?

How Big is Your Dream?

'I was a great dreamer. But today, when people ask me, what's your greatest mistake, i say, my dream was too small. I recommend to young people whose
world it is today
- dream big, do not hesitate. The greater your dreams, the more you can
Said Nobel Laureate Shimon Peres, iconic statesman and President of Israel
from 2007-14, to The Times of India in an interesting interview.

These words hit home. Very hard. I began to ask myself if I was dreaming
enough, dreaming BIG enough.
And just how big should your dream really be? Here was a man who had
already acted on his dream of peace...and it seemed big enough!
Still he wasn't satisfied. He regretted not dreaming a bigger dream. 

Because when 
your dream includes others, it only gets bigger.
When you want to bring about change, initiate peace, bring countries
and people together, or create a new future...the dream is never too big.

And the dream never ends.

Mahatma Gandhi once said, 'I want to see India free in my life-time.
 But God may not consider me fit enough to see the dream of my life fulfilled.
Then I shall quarrel, not with Him but with myself.' 
Gandhiji worked tirelessly till the end of his life to realise his dream of
seeing a free India. In this he also had humility -- he felt he needed to
make himself worthy enough in the eyes of God.
Because at the end of it, if you haven't realised your dreams, there is
no one to blame, no one to fight with, but you and you alone.
These words sound deep, intangible and difficult to grasp. So let's
simplify them.
The first step is to dream. Big or small. Let's at least 
start dreaming.
What exactly is a dream? How do you differentiate it from other
transient thoughts, desires, ambitions, or goals?
Abdul Kalam described it well: 'Dream is not that which you see while
 sleeping, it is something that does not let you sleep.'
A dream is that which makes you restless, takes away your peace,
doesn't leave you alone. It's this nagging voice in your head that
doesn't stop talking...till you begin to give it expression.
The next step then is to start crystallising that dream, because without 
complete clarity, you cannot start working on your dream.
Once you have articulated your dream for yourself, only then can you
make it your single-pointed mission.
In the early years of his career, Sachin Tendulkar was driven by one
single thought: 'The only thing that was on my mind was,
"I want to play for India one day," and I was pretty sure and confident
 that one day I will.'
Once you believe in your dream, you do all it takes to put it in motion.
You stretch your limits, learn new skills, and work on becoming more
A dream helps you rise, because falling or lowering your standards is
just not an option.
Swami Vivekananda rightly said: 'Do not lower your goals to the
level of your abilities. Instead, raise your abilities to the height of
 your goals.'
A dream makes you adventurous, it makes you go where you haven't
gone before. A dream gives you an unstoppable energy and positivity
to overcome your own limitations and that of your environment.
And a dream brings you closer to others. It makes you see unity where
there was none. It shows you patterns where there were only dots.
Collaboration is a by-product of dreams. Because without 
holding the hands
of others, little can be achieved, even for yourself.
A dream by its very nature will make you realise the importance of
the other. It will automatically bring humility, it will aid cooperation. 
To quote 
Nelson Mandela: 'If you want the cooperation of humans around
 you, you must make them feel they are important - and you do that by being genuine and humble.'
If your dream is genuine, if it accounts for the well-being of others and if
your commitment to it is genuine, you will get all the support you need
 from the people in your life.
The bottomline then is that a dream, even an individual one, needs to
 benefit others, it needs to help others grow, it needs to account for
the whole world. 
But, of course, you can make a difference 
in small steps. As long as
you're making incremental changes one day at a time, impacting
'one person at a time' you will slowly realise your dream.
Mother Teresa advised: 'Never worry about numbers. Help one person
at a time and always start with the person nearest you.'
Thus, acting on our dreams is paramount, in any small or big way.
The dream itself may be big, sometimes difficult to fathom, but the
steps taken toward achieving it may be tiny.
You may start out being the only hero of your dream, and finally the
whole world will have a part to play in it as well.
The scope of our dreams is not for us to determine.
Our job is just to dream...and dream big.
Because your dream belongs to the world. 

Ritika Bajaj  

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