Friday, June 26, 2015



Feel prisoner to your anxious self?
Here are 10 steps to a calmer and happier you

It happens to the best of us. Life feels like an endless misery and self-pity seems the only solace.
Anxiety and worry feel normal.
Sounds familiar? Now ask yourself who is to blame for all the misery? Well, you. Because you alone have the power to change yourself and in turn your situations. The world after all is a reflection of your inner being. Simply turn the switch around. The mind is an incredibly powerful thing. You'll be surprised.Here's how to turn your mind set:
So your neighbour at 25 has got herself a fancy new job, dream man and wines and dines at all the top restaurants around the world. So what? That's her journey. What's yours? We are all special, precious and unbelievably unique in our own way. Believe in the thought that your life is custom made for you. You'll be given all that you want and deeply desire when the time is right. So stop the comparison with those around you (read: ticking the wrong check boxes) and work on accepting yourself and what you have. How could anyone be happy following the same formula as everyone else when we are all so different? It is the same as if you change the numbers in a math problem, the answer is different.
So what stops you from accepting yourself? Think about it. It is possible that you don't know yourself.So, you won't know any better.Getting to know yourself is the first step in the pursuit of happiness.Look at what you do and how you do it without judgment. Setting priorities right and being mindful of the time you spend with others is a mark of a self-loving person. And priorities change over time, so it is also important to assess your motivations and where you are letting your energy go, time and again.
Most people when asked who they are, end up telling, what they do.So is your profession your identity?
The work you do is part of who you are. Don't be deluded by the fact that it defines you. Set boundaries for yourself. Build a life outside of your office. Turn off your work phone (if that is an option) as soon as you reach home, and don't bother getting online. Apply your natural abilities and talents not only in your professional life, but in your personal life too.
Everybody would like a connection.Some people are unhappy in all types of relationships because they operate and define them by someone's ability to meet their expectations, instead of approaching them based on individual understanding. No one can give you anything that you have not yet accessed alone. It's about connecting with yourself.
When you're feeling anxious, step outside of your life and look at it objectively -what is your anxiety trying to tell you? When you understand your anxiety, you can change the way you treat it.
Depresssion, again, is a symptom trying to show you something within yourself. It should take you to your path of self-discovery. The key to getting out of depression is understanding that you aren't alone and that it is an expression of your body telling you that something is off. So become an explorer and find out what's causing it.
When you have a bad day and don't want to deal with it anymore, your mind directs you to the pleasure of your choice. But pleasures turn into addictions when the habit is continued even after adverse consequences in daily routine, like perrenially reaching hungover to work and slacking. Addiction occurs when someone can no longer make rational decisions and continue to act without re gard to the consequences.
Understanding your mindset and how to shift it is the first and biggest step to getting yourself completely out of a rut.
when we wake up. Keeping fresh flowers around the house is also a reminder that no matter the soil, with proper nourishment, we can all blossom.
Fresh fruits and vegetables are the foundation of a healthy diet. They provide our bodies with the vital nutrients necessary to steer clear of illnesses and diseases. A simple rule of thumb when it comes to fruits and vegetables, eat them all and more colourful the plate, the better.You only get one body, so feed it based on the way you expect it to perform.
So much of anxiety you experience is releated to worrying about the future. Meditation helps to bring attention back to the present. Just find a comfortable seat and dedicate yourself to your breathe. The idea isn't to free your thoughts, as much as it is to observe them. This creates some emotional distance between you and your thoughts. It can help you soften any intense, negative feeling you might be experiencing.
We all have some creative genius in us, and anxiety can hinder our imagination. Regardless of what you enjoy, make the most of it and channel that energy into something productive. If you love to cook, take a culinary class. Anxiety does not have to ruin your life. Let it serve as a reminder that there is still work that needs to be done. And that human life is a continuous lesson.
Your goal must be progression not perfection.


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