Saturday, August 23, 2014



Once Google opened YouTube on Feb 14th, 2005 a rush of videos started pouring in. In the present context, people are using YouTube for variety of reasons. They share their experiences with other people around the world by apportioning videos of tech, recipes, teaching tutorials and other stuff.
Today we are going to talk about 10 different YouTube URL tricks that can be used to sizzle your video experience.
1. Video in HD Quality View – Normally YouTube provides different resolutions in which you can view your video. But sometimes you do not get all the possible formats like HD. You can unlock the formats for which there is no official preview of HD resolution.
You need to add &fmt=18 (stereo, 480 x 270 resolution) or &fmt=22(stereo, 1280 x 720 resolution), at the end of the YouTube url in the address bar to get HD view. For example,
2. Embed Videos in HD Quality– If you are a blogger or writer, you need to embed different videos on your site for making your visitors more eye-catchy. You can embed the video of your choice in high quality use the code &ap=%2526fmt%3D18 or &ap=%2526fmt%3D22to the end of the youtube video URL. For example,
3. Start at Specific Time – If you think your video is too lengthy and there is an important scene from which you need to start the video, you can use the following code #t=03m22s (#t=XXmYYs for XX mins and YY seconds) at the end of the URL. For example,
4. Hide Search Box in Embedded Video – The search box is available right above the video where you have embedded in your blog. In order to skip or hide this search box, you can add &showsearch=0 to the end of the youtube URL. For example,
5. ByPass Initial Part of Video – If you want to embed only a part of the video, you can do so by omitting some scenes at the start of the video, by adding the following code &start=30 at the end of the URL. It means that the first 30 secs will be removed and the video starts from there.
6. Iterate Embedded Video – Sometimes you too much like the video and want to play the video again and again automatically, then this code at the end &loop=1 will do the job.
7. ByPass Play in Embedded Video – Once your blog opens for a visitor and sees the embedded video, you don’t want him to click it. Instead you want the video to play automatically. add &autoplay=1 at the end.
8. Incapacitate Related Videos – You don’t want to confuse the visitor with lot of videos once you finish yours. So to disable related videos you can add &rel=0 at the end.
9. ByPass Regional Restrictions – Many a times US videos are not playing in your country or your ISP has blocked them. To bypass such regional or age restrictions, you can modify the Youtube URL as follows.
10. Skipping the Boring Parts – If you want the visitor to view only the good scenes in your video, you can easily skip to the interesting part, using the Wadsworth google feature, by adding &wadsworth=1to the end of the video URL.
You can now enjoy an optimized experience of YouTube videos using the above URL tricks and will assist you in making your YouTube embedding more graceful.

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