Saturday, June 28, 2014

HEALTH SPECIAL...................... Pitta Prakriti: know your body type for effective weight loss

Pitta Prakriti: know your body type for effective weight loss
Losing those stubborn kilos may be easier if you know your ayurvedic body type. In part II of the three-part series, Dr Shikha Sharma takes us through each of the three types and suggest remedies.
Modern science likes to believe that it was the first to discover that each individual has a unique biological code.
But the practice has been present in different societies all over the world since the dawn of time. Ayurveda, Unani and Chinese medicine speak about the existence of body types (or humors) and how different constitutions respond differently to the same foods.

While some basic tenets of health remain the same for all body types, (avoid fried food, processed foods and fast food), some nutritional advice is best suited to specific body types. 

Pitta Prakriti
The pitta prakriti is borne out of the fire element. A typical pitta person will be well-built and of a medium and sturdy countenance. The calves and arm muscles are usually well-developed and the skin is radiant, though some pitta types may have acne problems even past their teens.
A pitta person's skin is often sun-sensitive. The skin turns red when blushing or with sun exposure. Their hair has a tendency to become oily soon. They also tend to grey faster. Pitta people sleep well and through the night but can get uncomfortable in hot weather.
Pitta people are of a very decisive nature. Their loud and strong voice helps them excel in areas that call for leadership roles. But their fire essence also makes them   usually short-tempered and abrasive.
Pitta people tend to enjoy competitive sports and have fairly good stamina. But their anger and aggression is one aspect which the pitta prakritis need to balance to stay healthy. 

Pitta and weight gain
* Pitta people, due to their good appetite, tend to go overboard with rich food and over the years this leads to weight gain and health problems.

* Pitta people also tend to overdo their love for rich, fatty, and fried foods. They may also develop a craving for sweet foods when under stress. The lethal combination of rich, fatty food and sugar can lead to health problems and weight gain.

* Pitta people who enjoy sports in their youth tend to give it up in their later years and this is yet another reason for the excess weight.

Shikha Sharma  HT Br160615

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