Saturday, November 12, 2011


Happy Meal

1 year to 5 years

Studies suggest that a predominantly processed food diet lowers IQ so the children need to be fed nutritious foods for proper brain growth

Focus Food Energy and protein-rich foods

SOURCES Legumes, pulses, nuts, edible oil/ghee, sugar, milk and eggs vegetables including green leafy ones and seasonal fruit should be served daily

5 years to teenage

These are the growing years. During the preadolescent period the child grows 6-7 cm in height and 1. 5 to 3 kg in weight every year

Focus Food Calcium

SOURCES Recommended dietary allowance for calcium is 600-800 mg per day though teenagers may need more. Two glasses of milk a day is a must as is dahi Grains and vegetables that are rich in this macro mineral like ragi porridge, egg whites, whole gram, fish like bacha, katla, mrigal, pran and rohu 20 to 50 g of cooking oil/ghee in a day

20s to 40s

Juggling career, kids, elderly parents and household chores can take a toll. Therefore, energy demands are very high, so you need to eat very well.

Focus Food Iron, calcium and micronutrients

SOURCES Cereals, millets, pulses, vegetables (roots and tubers) and green leafy vegetables. Milk, 300 ml a day (1 glass = 250 ml); sugar, 4 g a day;fats, not more than 5 g a day

50s to 60s

Every cell in the body requires vitamin D to function, which may be why it's been linked to such a broad range of health benefits, from lowering cancer risk to warding off depression. By your 50s, you may be making as little as 30 per cent of what you did when you were a kid from the same amount of sun exposure

Focus Food Vitamin D

SOURCE: Sunlight exposure for 30 minutes, preferably early morning or early evening

60 and above

Age reduces the capacity to digest protein and the elderly often skip pulses, milk and eggs to avoid digestive discomfort. But nutrition experts insist protein is a must

Focus Food Protein and fibre

The daily intake of oil should not exceed 20 g;pulses, toned milk (200 to 300 ml per day), egg whites;vegetables and fruits (400 g per day) to provide fibre, micronutrients, anti-oxidants, and to avoid constipation. Reduce portions of cereals and millets and add an extra serving of fruit. Use less salt and spices


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